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Displaying Results 1591 - 1600 of 1655

Novice | FUN-damental Age of Hockey

By Ontario Minor Hockey Association 10/02/2014, 4:00pm EDT

Development Pathway for Tyke & Novice Players | Ages 7-8


Is it Time to Replace Your Gear?

By Ontario Minor Hockey Association 10/01/2014, 3:15pm EDT

Three tips to help when considering to replace a piece of equipment


Peewee | The Golden Age of Player Development

By Ontario Minor Hockey Association 09/25/2014, 2:45pm EDT

Development Pathway for Peewee Players | Ages 11-12


Five Ways to Run a More Effective Practice

By Ontario Minor Hockey Association 09/25/2014, 10:30am EDT

No two hockey practices are the same however, all practices should follow these fundamental steps


Mistakes = Teachable Moments

By Ontario Minor Hockey Association 09/19/2014, 2:00pm EDT

When did it become a bad thing to make mistakes?


NHL Stripes: Derek Amel

By Ontario Minor Hockey Association 08/07/2014, 9:30am EDT

NHL Linesmen, Derek Amel looks back at his OMHA Roots and what it’s like to work with the best in the business


Put The Skates Away This Summer

By David Kittner AKA Youth Fitness Guy 07/30/2014, 3:45pm EDT

Develop Physical and Mental Skills Away From The Ice


Growing a Lifetime Love for the Game

By Tom Renney 07/15/2014, 2:45pm EDT

Hockey Canada's new President and CEO shares his hockey philosophy


Fuel for Fun

By Ontario Minor Hockey Association 06/19/2014, 4:30pm EDT

Healthy Snacks for Active Kids!


Tryout Frequently Asked Questions

By Ontario Minor Hockey 04/16/2014, 4:30pm EDT

A list of FAQ's to get you through the tryout process

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Displaying Results 1591 - 1600 of 1655