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Find the Right Coaching Clinic For You

By Ontario Minor Hockey Association, 10/02/18, 10:00AM EDT


Make sure you have the proper qualification this season and next

Photo Credit: Kevin Sousa Photography

Coaches - don’t find yourself playing catch up this season.

It is essential that you have the proper qualification required to be behind the bench. These are regulations created by Hockey Canada and the Ontario Hockey Federation to ensure that all coaches are trained under uniform guidelines.

Coaches can refer to the 2018-19 Team Official Qualifications Chart to see the minimum requirements needed to coach specific levels and ages. You can check your qualifications in The Locker, the Coaching Association of Canada’s online database. Access provides all coaches with the opportunity to track their progress and guide their development. Certification Maintenance & Professional Development points will be tracked on the Coach’s Transcript in ‘The Locker’ and will update the Hockey Canada Registry Profile when ‘Certified’ status is renewed.

For those looking for new qualifications, you will need to attend a clinic. Please visit the OMHA Clinic Listings for the most current schedule of available clinics.

Important Note for 2019-20 Season

Effective for the 2019-20 season, all head coaches of A level teams at the Minor Peewee category and above will be required to be D1 Certified.
Find a clinic today!

Coach 1

The Coach 1 - Intro to Coach clinic is tailored for the coach who will be coaching Initiation, Tyke or Novice.

The clinic focuses on getting your players moving in the right way and enjoying themselves while introducing them to the sport of hockey. You will also learn the fundamentals of fitness and how to be a positive role model to your athletes.

Coach 2

Step onto the ice confident in your ability to encourage participation amongst your athletes while helping them have fun!

Coach 2 - Coach Level Clinic focuses on getting your players moving in the right way and enjoying themselves while introducing them to the sport of hockey. You will also learn the fundamentals of fitness and how to be a positive role model to your athletes.

Development 1

The NCCP Development 1 Clinic is designed for coaches working with players engaged in the competitive levels of hockey (Rep level Minor Peewee and above). Learn to motivate and lead your athletes as they move into a competitive environment. Build age-appropriate and competition specific practice plans while you give your players a solid understanding of the skills and strategies they will need to compete. You will also learn to analyze your players’ abilities to ensure that they’re equipped, both mentally and physically, for a more intense level of play.

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