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Video Coach | Kick out, Cross and Drive

By Ontario Minor Hockey Association, 10/15/16, 4:30PM EDT


Breaking down game action video to identify skills, tactics and strategy

By Ian Taylor - Director, Hockey Development

Game Date: September 24, 2016

Video Coach is a feature where we will review a video clip of game action and then break down the sequence into frames identifying key skills, individual and team tactics, strategy and hockey IQ. Video is a great teaching tool that can be used by both players and coaches.

This week we look at buildup play from the World Cup of Hockey, initiated with a breakout, speed through the neutral and offensive zone entry which creates confusion and a defensive break-down.

Now, let’s take a closer look and break it down…

  • CAN37 catches puck inside his front skate and gets his feet moving up ice and hits CAN87 with a saucer pass
  • CAN87 supports with speed under the puck meaning he hits the NZ at full speed
  • CAN87 enters the neutral zone with speed and establishes middle lane presence with all RUS players focused on him
  • RUS has numbers behind the puck and match up 3v3
  • CAN63 pulls away from middle of the ice, opening up middle lane so CAN87 can continue to drive with speed
  • The speed of CAN87 is the key here - as he enters the OZ, he pulls both RUS74 and RUS79 to protect the ice between the dots
  • CAN87 drives directly at RUS74 – his speed forces RUS79 to turn his feet to defend the ice behind him
  • CAN37 & CAN63 both attack through the dot-lines
  • CAN87 kicks the puck wide to CAN63 as soon as he gains the OZ blueline and creates a gap in front of the RUS defensemen for CAN63
  • CAN63 identifies open ice in front of both RUS defencemen created by the speed of CAN87
  • CAN37 drives through dot-me and attacks the far post
  • CAN 87 drives past RUS74 - who must now make a decision – defend the puck carrier or defend driving player?
  • With the defence backed in, CAN63 drives into the middle of the ice creating a better shooting angle and passing options to both players driving the posts
  • RUS74 is caught in a huge gap and cannot defend CAN63 and simply tries to get in the shooting lane
  • RUS79 has now turned feet back up ice but again the gap is too big to make a play on the puck carrier
  • CAN87 drives through the dots back to the near post
  • This angle shows the speed of CAN87 and his impact on both RUS defencemen – he ‘kicks’ the puck out as soon as gains the blueline and drives both defenders back
  • CAN63 supports from outside of the dots
  • CAN37 is driving through dots on far side
  • CAN4 establishes the second wave making this a 4v3
  • CAN63 establishes himself on the middle of the ice with both D unable to reduce the gap
  • CAN87 has driven wide around RUS74 and drives near post – his route wasn’t straight.
  • By driving out to the dots and then back to the post, CAN87 does two things:
    1) he has eye-contact on CAN63 and;
    2) his stick is available for a pass, deflection or rebound
  • CAN63 has multiple options here:
    1) return pass to CAN87 creating a low 2V1;
    2) shoot;
    3) indirect pass off the goaltender’s pad to CAN37 since the direct pass isn’t available

Watch the video again to see gain how speed drives the defenders back creating open ice. The role those without the puck play is also crucial – driving the near and far posts and the defenceman getting up ice to join the rush and create a second wave option.

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