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Don't Fall Behind - Stay in Shape This Off Season!

By Ontario Minor Hockey Association, 06/11/15, 11:15AM EDT


Follow these 5 tips to help you stay in shape during the off season.

Hockey players who want to stay competitive at the highest levels cannot afford to be inactive for long periods of time during the off-season. This means they have to find some way to keep their bodies and minds in the game, so they’re ready when the season starts. 

During the off-season, athletes can choose from a variety of activities that will keep you in shape:

Join a local competitive league - Most communities have a wide variety of sports leagues that offer competitive play for athletes of all levels.

Work with a trainer one-on-one – Getting a personal trainer to help with your working out and off-ice training is a great idea. Having a trainer will ensure that the proper techniques are used when doing exercises. They will also always be there to push you to the limit and help out in areas of where assistance and improvement is needed. 

Build proficiency at a new sport - The off-season is the time to take on different sports that you do not typically get to spend much time doing during the season. This type of cross-training will benefit you physically as well as mentally.

Pick one area to improve during the off-season - Every athlete has a weak area, whether it’s strength, speed or certain skill sets. Work on that weakness when it’s off-season time, and chart your progress. You’ll be surprised at how spending your time in this kind of structured manner can pay off quickly.

Eat like you were in-season – Even during the off-season it is essential to stick to healthy eating. During the summer it is often hard to stick to a well balanced nutrition plan because of all of the distractions that come along with summer. Eating healthy will make it easier to stay in shape while not training/working out as much as during the season.


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