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Choose the Right Equipment Based on Your Needs

By Ontario Minor Hockey Association, 10/15/14, 10:00AM EDT


Buying the right product can be a difficult decision - Let Pro Hockey Life help

So, you need some new hockey gear and are having trouble deciding whether you should buy the $99 dollar hockey pant that is extremely comfortable or the $300 pant that offers ultimate protection and performance. Buying the right product for your needs can be a difficult decision and that is why Pro Hockey Life wants you to focus on three key points that will help you make the right decision.

  1. Is the most expensive gear the best gear for me?
    Maybe. Choosing the right piece of equipment is entirely dependent on your needs as a player. There are a number of factors to consider, fit, comfort, mobility, performance, durability, weight and of course price. The first step is to decide which of these factors are the most important to you and then determine the order of importance for each of the remaining. Finding the product that offers the most features that best suit your needs is the ultimate goal.
  2. Do I have to spend hundreds or even thousands of dollars on my gear to get what I want or need?
    In a simple answer, no! The product that is best for you is the one that satisfies the largest number of needs. Sometimes the most expensive piece of equipment is not the right piece for you. It may offer features that you don’t need, it may not offer the fit that you are looking for or quite frankly it may just be too expensive. The same can be said for lower price point product, which may lack features that may be important to you.
  3. So how do I choose?
    Start with fit first, and by fit we’re referring not only to proper size (most important), but the piece that best fits your body type and needs for mobility and comfort. Try as many makes and models on as possible to determine what brand and what family within that brand fits you the best. Manufactures typically offer different fits within a product category. Once you have determined what fit is best for you the next step is to narrow down what features you require. The highest price point products typically have the largest number of features and as price drops, features change or are removed. Understanding what is most important to you as a player will help you determine how to invest in your gear.    

Always remember it’s important to understand that performance is not determined by price; rather it’s determined by the player using the equipment and the way the equipment performs for them as an individual.

For all your hockey needs be sure to check out your local Pro Hockey Life, The Ultimate Hockey Megastore or visit and follow us on Twitter @ProHockeyLife_


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