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Hockey is Fun Tournaments Aim to Help Grow the Game

By Weekend Hockey Tournaments, 11/23/23, 9:00AM EST


Associations can apply for a grant to help hockey in their communities

The Ontario Minor Hockey Association and Weekend Hockey Tournaments are excited to launch two Hockey is Fun tournaments this season to raise money for grassroots grow the game initiatives that promote positive minor hockey experiences.

Part of the proceeds from the tournaments will be given back to local minor hockey associations within the OMHA to support their efforts to bring in new families to the game of hockey at a community level. This can include try hockey events, equipment programs, or ways that you shine a light on the positive benefits of minor hockey.

The two tournaments are:

These tournaments help remind us of why we all love the game – because it is fun. This is the time of year that the lasting memories from minor hockey are made, when we suit up on the road at a tournament and spend time together as our second family. Let’s keep building together as teams and remember to be helpful in our communities. 

This is also your opportunity to wear Hockey is Fun. We are proud to launch our Hockey is Fun Apparel line in partnership with Bardown Apparel. 

"Weekend Hockey Tournaments is proud to partner with the OMHA in its initiative to help grow the game of hockey. The Grant Funds from the Hockey Is Fun tournaments will provide new players of any age the opportunity to learn the game,” said James Zitmanis, Director of Weekend Hockey Tournaments. “By giving back to Associations through the grants, they are able to operate programming to help bring in new players and goalies who may not have been able to afford to participate otherwise.”

“These grants from Weekend Hockey will help in our efforts to bring in new families to hockey across the province," said Ian Taylor, Executive Director of the OMHA. "We look forward to hearing what programming our local Associations are running to help grow the game and to see these grants put to use at the grassroots level.”

Associations - tell us what you’re doing to grow the game for a chance to win funding for your grassroots campaigns:

*submissions are closed for the 2023-24 season*

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