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AGM Guest Speakers Announced

By Ontario Minor Hockey Association, 06/02/23, 11:45AM EDT


Hockey Canada Chair Fraser, Chair of the OHF Kastner, OMHA President Lane to discuss state of the game

The Ontario Minor Hockey Association is excited to announce the guest speakers at the upcoming Annual General Meeting. We are pleased to welcome newly elected Hockey Canada Chair Hon. Hugh Fraser along with Ontario Hockey Federation’s Chair of the Board John Kastner. They will join OMHA President Craig Lane for a roundtable discussion on the state of the game.

At the national, provincial and local levels, all governing bodies are aligned on the need to grow the game. The three leaders will discuss what initiatives are taking place and how associations can use these programming ideas to help welcome new families to hockey in their communities.

Hon. Hugh Fraser has been the Chair of Hockey Canada since December 2022. A former Olympian and a recipient of the Order of Canada, he was appointed in 1993 as a Judge of the Ontario Court of Justice, serving for over two decades. He also served on the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal and the Dubin Commission of Inquiry.

John Kastner has served on the Board of the Ontario Hockey Federation since 2014 and was elected Chair in June 2022. He is currently the general manager of the Stratford Perth museum. He is a former hockey and baseball coach and served as President of the Stratford Rotary Minor Hockey as well as on the Ontario Hockey Association board.

Craig Lane is entering his second year as President of the OMHA and has been a board member since 2007. He started in minor hockey over 30 years ago as a volunteer in his local Association and over the years he held various positions such as convenor, board member, Vice President and President. 

The Dinner & Awards Celebration will be hosted by Dan Pollard. A veteran of over thirty years on radio, Pollard previously worked with TSN, CBC and Sportsnet and can now be heard on 105.5 Hits FM. He also serves as General Manager of the station.

Other highlights include the honouring of OMHA Award winners and Bursary recipients as well as the Respect in Sport Essay Contest finalists.

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