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Hockey Labs

Stay in Hockey Shape With This 14-Day At-Home Training Program

By Hockey Labs, 01/14/22, 2:00PM EST


Designed for players of all ages and skill levels

With the current pause to the season, lots of players are looking to stay in hockey shape while at home, despite not being able to practice at the rink with their teammates. 

Because of this, we co-created a 14-day at-home hockey training program with Hockey Labs that is designed for OMHA players of all ages and skill levels to stay sharp off the ice.

For the OMHA player that completes the most workouts from now until the end of January, they’ll win a FREE 20-min virtual coaching session with the Hockey Labs head coach, Zac Headrick! 

What does the 14-day at-home training program consist of?

  • 14-days of physical fitness + hockey-specific exercises
  • 14-days of hockey IQ video lessons
  • All taught by coach Zac Headrick
  • Included as part of a 14-day free trial of Hockey Labs (no CC required)
  • Access to all other programming on the Hockey Labs app
  • Chance to earn a free 20 min virtual coaching session with Zac Headrick

PLUS - if you enjoy the app, after your 14-day free trial, you can purchase a monthly or annual subscription to Hockey Labs and use promo code OMHA30 at checkout for 30% off your subscription.

Where do I start my free trial to access the program?

Navigate to the Hockey Labs site and create an account. No credit card is required. 

If you already have a Hockey Labs account, log in to the app, and the OMHA program will be in your home feed!

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