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Why You Should Register Your Kids in Hockey

By Ontario Minor Hockey Association, 07/17/19, 9:45AM EDT


The benefits of hockey go beyond sport

We all want the best for our kids. We teach them the skills we hope they’ll carry with them in life, and we look for experiences they can have that will strengthen what we’ve taught them at home. How to work hard. How to work well with others. How to strive in achieving personal goals. These are all keys to success in today’s world.

Getting involved in organized hockey brings you into a community of like-minded people who all want the same things for their kids. From coaches to volunteers, on the ice and off, we’re invested in each child’s development—as a hockey player and even more importantly, as a person.

There are so many reasons to get kids into hockey. For starters, the physical benefits are clear with regular exercise right through the freezing winter, development of body coordination, and the encouragement of healthy lifestyle choices that last far longer than the annual playing season.

Then there are the life lessons hockey teaches – the core values we all want to instil in our kids. Hockey provides an environment that helps players learn about cooperation and teamwork, and understand the importance of showing respect for others, like their teammates and coaches. It also teaches them about work ethic and discipline, and the necessity of having a positive attitude—even in the face of tough challenges.

As kids get older and have more responsibilities to juggle, hockey motivates them to manage their time carefully—making sure they get homework and chores done on time—so they can make it to practice or to their next game.

For kids who struggle with focus, hockey provides constant opportunity to practice this important skill, and helps kids develop confidence as they see their own improvement over time.

Kids play hockey because they are passionate about it. And what better way is there to learn about good sportsmanship, and the elements of leadership than on a team that works well together?

Above all, organized hockey gives kids a community—a place where they feel they belong. They feel connection with the teams they play on, the towns they play in, and this great country of Canada, where hockey is both a tradition and a passion.

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