The OMHA Manual of Operations consists of the By-laws, Regulations and Policies/Procedures of the OMHA. The manual is reviewed and updated annually based on the outcomes of the Annual General Meeting and as required for housekeeping purposes.
Rules and regulations in sport go hand in hand. They are necessary and so are good people helping officiate, coach and administer hockey at all levels across the nation.
This edition is prepared for easy and convenient reference only. Should errors occur, the contents of this book will be interpreted by the President according to the official minutes of meetings of Hockey Canada. The Handbook is published every two years and any changes to the constitution that are approved during even numbered season will be incorporated in the copy posted on the website.
Playing rules of Hockey Canada are published in a separate booklet and may be obtained from the Executive Director of any Hockey Canada Brach, from any office of Hockey Canada or from Hockey Canada’s website.
The Ontario Hockey Federation Handbook outlines the Constitution, By-Laws, Regulations and Policies that will assist in understanding the governance of your Branch.
The OHF and Hockey Canada continue to review the policies in our Handbook. This requires support and input from our Member Partners to help compile the necessary data for making change.
Body Checking and Head Contact continue to be in the forefront of our rule emphasis, with that in mind your OHF Board encourages everyone to “respect your opponent”.
The Hockey Canada Case Book & Rule Book publication combines Hockey Canada Official Rule Book with situations (cases) related to the official rules. The "Case Book" entries are an important reference for referees, players, coaches and hockey executives. They provide guidance and information about how the playing rules are to be applied in various situations, and clarify misunderstandings related to the application of the rules.