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Call for Nominations

By Ontario Minor Hockey Association, 01/31/17, 1:45PM EST


Nominations open for OMHA Board of Directors

In accordance with OMHA By-law One,  attached is the call for nominations for the OMHA Board of Directors.

Nominations are to be forwarded to the OMHA on or before March 9, 2017 as follows:

Nominations for Vice-Presidents and Regional Directors are to be forwarded to the appropriate Nominations Committee Member named in this Action Bulletin.

The following are Board Members whose terms of office, as established by By-law One, Article 8.1 d), continue until the 2018 Annual General Meeting and for whom nominations are not required for the 2017 AGM:

Title Name
President Rob Ring
Vice President - Central District Bob Hill
Regional Director - Region One Colleen Hawthorne
Regional Director - Region Two Lina Ralf
Regional Director - Region Three Don Mundell
Regional Director - Region Four Greig Baxter
Regional Director - Region Six Susan Robinson


OMHA By-law One, Article 8.1 outlines the criteria for eligibility and nominee and terms of office that apply to each position on the Board. The following positions, therefore, are to be filled by election at the 2017 OMHA Annual General Meeting:

Position Term
Vice President - Western District 2 Years
Vice President - Eastern District 2 Years
Regional Director - Region 1 2 Years
Regional Director - Region 2 2 Years
Regional Director - Region 3 2 Years
Regional Director - Region 4 2 Years
Regional Director - Region 5 1 Year* (2nd Year of Unexpired Term)
Regional Director - Region 5 2 Years
Regional Director - Region 6 2 Years


1.  (November)
The District Vice Presidents will ensure the appointment of four (4) members for the purpose of securing Nominees within each Region.

2.  (February/March)
The Nominations Committee will accept Nominations for the positions of District Vice-President and Regional Director.

3.  (March)
The Nominations Committee shall communicate the list of qualified Nominees for distribution to the membership in the Nominations Committee Initial Report.

4.  (end April)
Additional nominations received prior to the final date for nominations shall be considered, and the Nominations Committee Final Report to the membership will be distributed.


District Chair Committee Members
Western District Dick Bennett, OMHA Past President REGION 1: Susan Sennett, Robert Gardner REGION 2: Dennis McKinna, Scott Rose
Central District Mike Hammond, OMHA Life Member REGION 3: Helen Ford, Diane Dell REGION 4: Carol Belanger, Sandy Steeves
Eastern District Pat Parlette, OMHA Life Member REGION 5: Don Collison, Linda Benson REGION 6: Cathy Baker-Bell, Paul O’Connor

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