We all want our kids to be happy, healthy and successful. But how do we know we are doing the best for our children?
Kids who have fun playing a sport are more likely to stay active and healthy for their entire lifetime. They also have a better chance of becoming a top athlete. So make it fun, and make it quality!
Parents: When you were a kid, what was your experience with sport? When you participated in Phys. Ed. classes, team sports, swimming lessons, or dance classes – was it fun? Did you learn skills? And did it make you want to keep playing?
Doing what is best for your child is what Long-Term Player Development (LTPD) is all about, and Canadian sport is working hard to develop Long-Term Athlete Development plans for all sports. What those plans tell us is that early specialization, and early intense training in most sports just doesn’t help the child develop to be the best they could possibly be. The evidence is that too much early specialization actually prevents children from developing to their full potential.
Hockey Canada has created an LTPD resource titled ‘Hockey for Life, Hockey for Excellence’ and is available to view or download.
Designed properly, children’s sport can be fun. It can also provide exciting challenges and rich skill development.
If we make it fun, challenging and instructive, we can expect two results:
Active for Life (activeforlife.ca) compiled this list of DO’S and DON’TS for parents who want to help their child enjoy sports and learn great skills.