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Players Club

10,000 Touches

By Ontario Minor Hockey Association, 02/13/15, 3:00PM EST


Welcome to 10,000 Touches, the second challenge of the OMHA Player's Club

How well do you think your stickhandling would improve if you performed 10,000* Touches, stickhandling over an 8-week period?

We have created a plan for players of all ages and abilities to follow over 8 weeks to accomplish this goal.

This is the second challenge we have created for you to develop your hockey skills at home! The 5000 Puck Challenge improved your shooting and scoring skills and 10,000 Touches will help you to develop your puck control, stickhandling and overall dangles, making you a better hockey player in all situations, all over the ice.

We have put together 25 stickhandling and puck control skills designed to challenge you and improve hand speed, quickness & coordination. We have divided the skills into 5 Skills Buckets and each bucket has a goal number of touches and includes recommended skills and number of touches.

Here are a few tips to get you started:

  • Have a dedicated place to practice. A safe, flat, practice surface (floor, driveway) ideally with a wall or rebounding surface (wall, curb)
  • Start slow – Rehearse each movement/skill then convert each movement into Game Speed
  • Skill = Simple – These are technique building, foundational movements
  • Don’t just work on your favourite skill or ones that you’re good at – work on all the skills!

Oh, yeah … one more thing … What’s a Touch???

  • A ‘touch’ is simply every time there is a change in direction of the ball or puck

Send us pics and videos of you doing your 10,000 Touches or post to Twitter or Instagram and use the #10000Touches 

To develop your stickhandling skills at home check out the OMHA Players Club and 10,000 Touches. 

Have fun!

The Challenge

Click images for video demonstration

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