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Maximize Your Fundraising Efforts: Tips & Tricks

By FlipGive, 09/11/22, 9:00AM EDT


How to start your team fundraising with FlipGive

Photo Credit: Heather Pollock Photography

Hockey families can always use an assist when it comes to resources for planning their budgets for the new season.

Fundraising is often the easiest and quickest way to make some extra team money - but where do you start? 

Look no further than FlipGive, a free, easy-to-use app designed to help families like you lower the cost of their season through cashback on everyday purchases. While getting set up is simple, we wanted to share a few unique ways for your team to utilize the tool to its full potential and earn more money for your family.

Get the team to download the app 

Just like on the ice, using FlipGive works best when you work as a team. Invite all parents and players to download the FlipGive app and start raising together! You can even get your friends to join in as well.

Share sales and promotions 

Pass along exciting opportunities to earn even more, such as the Play More Matching Grant sponsored by Home Hardware that launched on September 6, 2022.  Visit for more information.

Organize a team event 

Bring the team together for some bonding and earn while you’re at it! Team meal? Have each family buy a restaurant gift card. Heading to a tournament or competition? Have each family book their hotel or buy a gas gift card. Time to relax? Have each family buy a gift card for your local movie theater and treat the team to a group viewing!

Keep the team motivated throughout the season 

Provide regular updates on how much the team has earned and encourage some friendly competition by naming the top 3 players who have earned the most that month!

Fundraising for your team doesn’t have to be difficult or stressful. Rely on tools like FlipGive to help focus less on the cost of sports and more on creating moments for your team and young athlete.

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