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Follow-Up FAQs to OHF Stage 3B Announcement

By Ontario Minor Hockey Association, 09/04/20, 1:00PM EDT


Clarifying the answers to popular questions

In support of the announcement of OMHA Return to Play - OHF Stage 3b) programming, please find below additional answers to more specific FAQs for the upcoming season.

If you seek any further clarifications or have any other questions, please reach out to your Association.

League Play

What is the predicted start date of the season?
Seasonal start date will vary by Association with the earliest start date of September 1 and will always begin with a (two) 2-week minimum development phase. Associations have the discretion to progress at a slower pace.

The OHF Framework Document refers to ‘Leagues’.  How are Leagues identified and created?
‘LEAGUE’ in the OHF Framework Stage 3 refers to the cohort or bubble of 50 players that are eligible to participate in team/game play against each other and not any other team or players that are part of another League of 50 players. There are no traditional Representative Leagues in Stage 3.

The OHF document uses the term Public Health Unit (PHU). Does this not imply that beginning at Stage 3b modified game competition is allowed between teams in the same league? So for example, a league could be established between 3 teams of in different towns within the same PHU? 
Each OHF Member has established Return to Hockey plans based on the OHF Return Hockey Framework. Associations should be working with their applicable Member for approval of sanctioned activities.

At Stage 3d the OHF document indicates travel permitted between Adjacent PHU's. Does this not imply that we are then allowed to travel for game competition between adjacent PHU's within our LHIN (so for example including the Hamilton and Niagara PHU's within the OMHA zone)? 
Each OHF Member has established Return to Hockey plans based on the OHF Return Hockey Framework. Associations should be working with their applicable Member for approval of sanctioned activities.

What is the process if an MHA or Zone is still in Stage 2?
Refer to the OHF Return to Hockey Framework for Stage 2 programming.

Rosters and Gameplay

Is there any information available about team formation or tryouts following Stage 3e? What is the structure being discussed for transitioning from modified to regular competition? This will be important to understand and factor into any modified program structure introduced assuming we progress into Regular Competition at Stage 4.  
A process for player evaluation and selection when transitioning to Stage 4 has not yet been determined but is under discussion with the OHF and its Members.

The OHF document indicates under Stage 3b "Competition (Game Play) that modified 3 on 3 or 4 on 4 with no physical contact may begin following a minimum two-week development phase. Does this allow us to have modified game play at that point in time? 
Modified Game play can begin following the required two-week development phase.  The earliest that modified game play may begin if approved is September 15, following the two-week development phase that begins September 1.

Progression Summary: Stage 3b – OHF document indicates a maximum of 30 participants while an MHA memo indicates maximum of 25 participants. 
Number of Participants is a maximum number outlined by the OHF for sanctioned programming, however, all participant numbers are dictated by the restrictions for gatherings that have been established by the Ontario Government, local Public Health Unit, facility or OHF Member. Maximum numbers are based on the largest ice surface 100x200 and should be adjusted accordingly for smaller ice surfaces and/or age and size of players.

Will standard Minor Hockey penalties and suspensions still apply?

How many times are players to be on the ice in a week?
The Hockey Canada Player pathways will still be in effect for seasonal structure and Members have approved programming for those levels and others. 

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When and how are dressing rooms to be utilized?
Dressing room use is at the discretion of the facility owner.  All Associations must meet with their facility owner prior to participation to validate the processes the facility has put in place.

Are spectators allowed?
Please refer to the OHF Return to Hockey Framework and consult your local PHU’s and facilities who will determine these restrictions.  


Can I take my children to an Association other than our home Association if they are offering something that I think suits my child better?
The player is eligible to return where they played during the 2019-2020 season or return to their home Association. 

Is there an allowance for players who have completed residential moves into a new Minor Hockey Association?
If player has completed an approved residential transfer, they would be eligible to register in their new home Association.

If a player participates with a ‘tournament team’ for non-sanctioned/private fall hockey, can they also play with our MHA?
OHF Policy on non-sanctioned programming remains as stated.  After September 30 a player must make a decision as to programming choice. 

Can first-year IP players register for the 2020-2021 season?

We have participants already registered with us who played in a non-sanctioned League last season. Do those kids have to return to where they played last season?
Yes – players can return to their home Association.

Can we register players who played in our Association last season who have decided they no longer want to play at the level they played in the 2019-2020 season?
Yes - Associations have the ability to tier players by skill level or programming delivery model.

An OMHA resident player who played in AAA outside of their AAA Zone last year wants to return home. Home MHA has a base category below AAA (AA, A, BB, B, CC, C, DD) but since they played AAA, they want to play in home AAA zone, can they?
Yes – Player who played AAA in 2019-20 can go back to home AAA Zone or home Association.

Player who played AAA moves residence to OMHA – their new residential Association is an A Association but since they played AAA, they want to play in home AAA zone. 
Yes - Player who played AAA in 2019-20 can go to new AAA Zone or his home Association.

OMHA resident played in NYHL, wants to switch to rep programming with old teammates in the GTHL, is the player eligible to do so?
No - Player is eligible to return to the Association where they played during the 2019-2020 season or return to their home association.

An OMHA resident (LOR) played in the GTHL and wants to switch organizations.
Player is eligible to return where they played during the 2019-2020 season or return to their home association.

Will there still be open borders within a Member for U18 hockey?
Player is eligible to return where they played during the 2019-2020 season or return to their home association.  OHF Regulations for formation of AAA Midget teams is not in effect during Stage 3 of the OHF RTP Framework.

Discussion on programming available to U18 & U16 players is ongoing. 

Can players register with a MHA that they didn’t play for last season if their MHA does not have a U18 team? If so, when?
Yes – if an association or member is not offering programming in an age Division, the player would be eligible to move as per regulation within their Public Health Unit.

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