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Stage 3A Update to OHF's Return to Hockey

By Ontario Minor Hockey Association, 08/04/20, 9:45AM EDT


Member Approved Programming in Certain Geographic Areas

With the Government of Ontario’s implementation of Stage 3 within regions of the province, the Ontario Hockey Federation and its Members have developed a Return to Hockey Phase 2 - Stage 3A conducive to public health guidelines that will allow for participants to return to sport in a safe manner.

The plan is built completely around the guidelines and recommendations provided from the Ontario Government and Public Health and as such numbers of individuals gathering do not exceed those dictated for all other activities within the province. It is an incremental approach to develop hockey skills.

Stage 3 provides for additional hockey opportunities beyond the individual and group training that were approved in Stage 1 and 2 of the OHF Return to Hockey. It provides participants the opportunity to register in Hockey Canada programming that will include game play with rules that focus on removing deliberate and prolonged contact.

Please reach out to your minor hockey association for further details.

Phase 2 - Stage 3 - Modified Programming
Associations will operate their programming in accordance with the framework of the OHF Return to Hockey Stage, as well as the rules established by their Member, the local Public Health Unit and the facilities. In all stages the Hockey Canada Safety Protocols will be followed.

Phase 2 - Stage 3A - Return to Ice Continued August 15 to August 31
Member Approved Programming in Geographic Area that is in Ontario Government Stage 3
Programming is based on Stage 1 and 2 requirements. Association programming is for participants registered with the Association for 2019-2020.

Individual and Group Training

  • Maximum of 25 participants on the ice, including instructors, or a lower number if determined by Ontario Government, local Public Health Unit, the facility or Member.
  • Every aspect of facility use must adhere to facility policies and physical distancing on and off the ice.

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