Step onto the ice confident in your ability to encourage participation amongst your athletes while helping them have fun!

This Hockey Canada Coach 1 clinic is tailored for the coach who will be coaching U7, U8 or U9.

The Hockey Canada Coach 1 clinic focuses on getting your players moving in the right way and enjoying themselves while introducing them to the sport of hockey. You will also learn the fundamentals of fitness and how to be a positive role model to your athletes. 


The program is based with the players’ development in mind, starting with basic, technical skills. Upon completing this clinic you will be trained to: 

  • Use HOCKEY CANADA resources to plan on/off-ice activities; 
  • Communicate effectively with players, parents, officials and league administrators;
  • Encourage participants and work within fair play guidelines; 
  • Conduct safe, effective and age appropriate on-ice practice drills; 
  • Apply an ethical decision making process. 


The Hockey Canada Coach 1 Qualification will be delivered as follows:

Step 1:

Register for the Hockey Canada Coach 1 Qualification clinic. Upon registration, the embedded Hockey Canada Coach 1 clinic link can be found in your Clinic information email.


Upon completion of this clinic you will be considered ‘Trained’. Coach 1 'Certified' status is not required at any level of hockey in the OMHA.