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Video Coach | Open Up Delay – Puck Protection

By Ontario Minor Hockey Association, 03/10/17, 1:30PM EST


Breaking down game action video to identify skills, tactics and strategy

Game date: February 9, 2017

Welcome to OMHA Video Coach where we review a video clip from game action and then break down the sequence into frames identifying key skills, individual and team tactics, strategy and hockey IQ. Video is a great teaching tool that can be used by both players and coaches.

In this edition of Video Coach, we look at a great individual puck protection tactic that is also deceptive skating and a puck control maneuver. It is applicable to all ages and levels of play.

Now, let’s take a closer look and break it down…

  • DET72 retrieves puck in corner and immediately walks up wall and recognizes that WSH are defending man-on-man.
  • DET62 & DET48 support high and lo and start to establish support for cycle.
  • WSH8 is positioned inside DET72 with stick in passing lane.
  • WSH has good numbers back with 4 players below the tops of the circles.
  • DET72 continues to walk up wall and attacks open ice in the high slot.
  • WSH8 continues to have inside positioning with stick in lane.
  • DET62 drives underneath for low cycle option.
  • DET48 rotates from high slot to net-front.
  • WSH continues to protect the ‘house’ with good numbers and toes up ice.
  • DET2 slides across the blueline to provide support.
  • At this point DET72 uses deceptive open up which is both a puck control and a skating technique.
  • With puck shielded by his body, DET72 drops puck towards his back foot and opens up feet using a mohawk pivot creating a delay.
  • WSH9 jumps also plays the potential pass to DET2.
  • This delay is a decision point for the defender, WSH8 – Is he dropping puck to DET2? Is he cutting back?
  • DET72 sensing the decision-delay by WSH8, pulls the puck from back foot across body and escapes using powerful crossover and creates separation from WSH8.
  • DET72 now has open ice and lane to the net as the WSH defenders have maintained man-on-man coverage down low.

Watch the video again to see how puck protection combined with deceptive skating and puck control creates decision-points and ultimately defensive-zone breakdown resulting in a goal.

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