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Video Coach | Creating Space and Support off the Rush

By Ontario Minor Hockey Association, 02/18/17, 1:15PM EST


Breaking down game action video to identify skills, tactics and strategy

Game date: February 2, 2017

Welcome to OMHA Video Coach where we review a video clip from game action and then break down the sequence into frames identifying key skills, individual and team tactics, strategy and hockey IQ. Video is a great teaching tool that can be used by both players and coaches.

In this edition of Video Coach, we look at how the puck carrier can identify and create time, space and support on the attack.

Now, let’s take a closer look and break it down…

  • WPG27 swings across the ice and picks up puck high in the zone and attacks up ice
  • WPG18 and WPG39 (D) immediately join the rush
  • DAL d-men both retreat quickly off the blueline
  • WPG27 immediately looks to open ice laterally and draws both DAL d-men between the dots
  • WPG27 continues to drive across ice and attacks DAL3
  • This opens up lane for WPG18 to fill with speed and also pulls across DAL18
  • With WPG27 now established in the middle lane both DAL d-men must respect the middle lane threat
  • WPG18 and WPG39 both continue to skate hard to support the attack through the near and far dot-lines
  • Entering the offensive 2V2, WPG27 identifies the 2V1 that he wants to attack targeting DAL18: 
    1) WPG18 has separated from his backchecker and WPG39 is still behind the play and;
    2) DAL18 is a forward who was supporting his d-man and now if defending the rush
  • Both defenders continue to be focused on puck carrier
  • WPG27 kicks the puck wide to WPG18
  • DAL18 is playing the puck and cannot pivot quickly to close on WPG18
  • DAL backcheckers have worked hard to get back and inside their checks
  • WPG18 shoots and scores on weakside as WPG27 drives middle lane

Watch the video again to see how WPG27 attacks open ice and creates a lane for WPG18 to support the rush and how on a 2V2, he identifies which 2V1 to attack and creates a mismatch.

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