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Players Club

Use Modified Shots to Increase Your Scoring

By Ontario Minor Hockey Association, 11/22/14, 12:00PM EST


Work on the Backhand and Snapshot in Week 5 of the 5000 Puck Challenge

Every shot in hockey has multiple ways it can be released. Variations of each shot can be worked on and mastered in order to become an effective shooter. When looking at top NHL goal scorers, each one them uses a wide variety of shot types in many different situations. This helps them become more effective shooters, which simply translates into scoring more goals. 

Van Riemsdyk goes forehand to backhand

Push & Pull Snap Shot
These two type of modified snapshots work great against a defenseman or goalie. The goal of these shots are to quickly change the angle of the puck and catch the defender or goalie off guard. 

When performing the pull snap shot, pull the puck into the body, let the puck separate a little from the blade, and then snap down on the puck. The first phase after the puck is pulled is the separation of the puck off of the blade and the second phase is snapping down. When performing the shot quickly it will be hard to see the puck separate from the blade but you are able to hear the puck snap when released. The pull snap shot can be shot on both feet or from one foot.

Exactly as you would have guessed, the push snapshot is the opposite of the pull snapshot.  Instead of pulling the puck in towards the body and snapping the shot, the puck is pushed away from the body and then snapped.

Quick Forehand to Backhand
The backhand shot is one of the most deadly shots in a players skill set. Having the ability to transfer from the forehand to backhand in any situation, during anytime in a game is a great asset to have.  Part of having a great backhand shot is moving the puck from the forehand to backhand as quickly as possible. This will create a great opportunity to really change the angle of the puck and fool the goalie. The quicker the switch from forehand to backhand happens the less time the goalie has to react which creates a better scoring opportunity. 

Practice by starting off slow with the movement from forehand to backhand and as control of the puck increases, increase the speed at which the puck is switching from forehand to backhand. The faster the puck can switch from forehand to backhand to a shot the better your scoring opportunities will be. 

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5000 Puck Challenge Logo

So, how well do you think your shot would improve if you were to take 5000 shots over a 10-week period? Think it can’t be done? Think again! We have created a plan for players of all ages and abilities to follow over 10 weeks to increase shot speed, quickness and accuracy.

To develop your shooting & scoring skills at home check out the OMHA Players Club and the 5000 Puck Challenge.